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Navigation Theory (2)

I’ll do a navigation planning session for the ZISC May English Channel crossing trip.

We are doing two evenings, both the same, 10th and 17th March.


I’ll be preparing the real passage plan for our trip. And welcome others to join, either to create their own, or to participate with me in creating the Cross Channel passage plan. You don’t need to be on the cross channel trip, anyone can join.

Ideal for anyone thinking about doing RYA Coastal / Offshore Skipper (this is often the passage RYA asks you to prepare). Or for anyone generally interested in coastal / offshore navigation.

This passage (across the English Channel) includes working on all of this:

  • tidal gates
  • tidal heights
  • effect of currents
  • tidal bars
  • leeway
  • secondary ports
  • time and distance calculations
  • pilotage
  • night navigation
  • general hazards
  • overfalls
  • weather sources offshore
  • traffic separation schemes
  • ports of refuge
  • suitable wind and weather for the passage
  • wind over tide sea state
  • course to steer calculations
  • night watch systems, and
  • post Brexit customs requirements sailing to France.
  • We’ll even be using some old school charts, almanacs and tidal atlases.

Depending on who wants to join, the session can either be me giving some suggestions to people working on their own passage plan. Or a full blown teaching session depending on level of prior knowledge. 

Sign up here, places limited



Location: Hegifretkaffeefenster at Hegibachplatz, 8032 (yes, inside the coffee shop).

Hegifret is the coffee shop on Hegibachplatz, it has a takeaway window, have a look through the window, you will see us inside. The door is on the right. Just come straight in.

They are cleaning until 19h00, we will start at 19h05.

The coffee shop is closed in the evening, so there is no food / drinks available, so bring your own if you want a snack / drink.







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